On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Ice Cream

I have eaten six pints of ice cream in three weeks, and I may be misremembering too low. Something has got to give. Every night I come home and I eat my random (yucky) dinner and a half a pint of ice cream. Yesterday I ate a pint and a half, although one was low-fat yogurt.

Partially my house is disgusting and I'm tired and I'm ready for everything to be OVER. I just want a week or a month of joyous fabulousness. Sorry for being a grump, but it's as if I've been working hard to accomplish the two big things this semester and now they're done and what else is there? Oh, woe is me and I just want to lay in the floor and howl like a petulant 3 year old.

Hmm, PMS or is my life really terrible? ha.


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