On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Nutrient Density

Beth at Act Boldly has an interesting post today about healthy eating inertia that includes the ideas of nutrient density and being "overfed and undernourished." Definitely a post to read. As I review my food journal, I can see that the days when I eat dinner at Wendy's (um, for example) I eat a lot of calories, but if I look at my nutrient requirements in fitday there is a lot of red where I didn't get enough vitamins/nutrients. It's a good reminder to think about getting a variety of good, fresh food!!

Also, the first comment over there goes along with my last post as well.

Luckily, Mean Monkey (husband) and I went to the grocery store after dinner--him to get sandwich fixings so he can make a bunch and keep them in the fridge, and me to stock up on some veggies and hummus for the week. I've gone through veggie soup, salad, and now I'm on veggies and dip from my idea list of how to eat more veggies. We also bought some everyday dinner things. And he's not mean, I just called him that tonight for fun and I think it's funny.

P.S. I finished Affluenza tonight, so it is no longer a distraction. Now I'm wondering if the library has The Omnivore's Dilemma so I can procrastinate EVEN more. It's good to know I excel at something! haha. Also, on a more positive goal-oriented note, when we went to the grocery store we saved some plastic bags because I had one of the canvas bags in the car! Woohoo! And I've already put it back out in the car for next time.

I know I said I would keep my eyes open for a small, light bag that I could always carry around with me for when I just need a few things. Well, I figured out what that could be! I'm just going to stuff a couple of plastic grocery bags in my usual bag. They are light, small, and versatile, and I'll get another use out of them. Just had to open my eyes a bit.


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