On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


"What the bored person really craves is a meaningful, authentic life. The ads suggest that such a life comes in products or packaged commercial experiences. But religion and the science of psychology say it's more likely to be found in such things as service to others, relationships with friends and family, connection with nature, and work of intrinsic moral value."--John De Graaf et al., Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic, 2nd Ed., pg 80 (emphasis in the original).

This passage rings true for me, and is the basis of this blog really. I want a life filled with meaning found in relationship and service to others and a connection to the world outside myself. However, the community I live in, and many communities in the U.S., are not structured in a way that lends themselves to this kind of life. Too often we are separated from our community and the natural world by a dependence on cars, uninviting public areas, the homogenization of our communities, and housing segregation in areas that invite us to stay indoors with the tv and the internet as our companions. It takes self-discipline to engage in a meaningful life--to consciously identify problem areas and solutions that create better communities, to step outside of our comfort zones and engage strangers (and sometimes friends!), to bravely invite others into our lives by inviting them into our public areas, our neighborhoods, and our homes, and to act in such a way that encourages others to do likewise.

I'm not sure how health and fitness really relate to this desire of mine, but I do know that I can modify my thinking of this subject to attune it to these goals. I could buy locally grown food, join the co-op, exercise with friends or hubby, enjoy the outdoors, and a number of other things.

New things to ponder.

Please ignore that I have checked a new book out of the library tonight and read over 80 pages of it instead of working toward my goals this evening. What can I say, I'm an excellent procrastinator.


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