On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Monday, June 19, 2006


That sound would be me falling off of a wagon--I guess the one that cares about being healthy! I was thinking about why my motivation evaporated once classes were over, and I think it is because I was using this blog and the goals here as a procrastination tool (unwittingly). Now I'm much less stressed and so I don't need an additional mission to focus on instead of whatever I'm doing. Which is a little disheartening to ponder, really.

I weighed in this morning at 159.

Since my motivation for exercising never materialized, I'm going to set a goal that will require me to start working on it soon. I have picked a 5k in town on September 30. That gives me plenty of time to get back up to speed--and my goal is to run the entire thing. Tomorrow I will start my training!

I just don't feel like tracking my food right now, so I'm going to focus on drinking 100 oz of water everyday as my healthy intake. And that's it. Maybe in a few more weeks I'll feel like tracking my rda's again.

In other news, while I've been away Mean Monkey passed his defense so he is now Dr. Mean Monkey AND we bought a townhouse! All that driving back and forth paid off! Of course, the sad thing is that Dr. Mean Monkey will be moving to Raleigh in about a month and I'll be stuck here for another year. Boohoo.


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