On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Friday, September 22, 2006


Well, I've finally put the little notebook in my purse and started writing down what I eat. It's only been two days of entries so far, but that's better awareness than I have had! Good for me.

(I weighed in today at 160, as usual.)

Anyway, I've been exercising some--and soon will be adding more daily activity--and I felt like I wasn't eating very much more. With that combination, I thought that I might see some change in the scale. Ha. Yesterday, I ate over 3000 calories!!!!!! No wonder I'm staying the same weight!

Now, I was aware that I shouldn't have eaten 3 bowls of calorie-dense cereal when I came home from work at midnight. But without putting it into fitday and paying attention, I never would have felt the shock at what I was actually doing. On the other hand, I certainly have been getting enough fiber recently! There's always a silver lining, isn't there.

The wheels are dangerously close to coming off this wagon, though!

I still haven't worked on the supportive items that I mentioned last post to help me eat healthily again, although I could go and clean the fridge out tonight. That will be a good start. I can also make a list for the grocery and think about when I'll be able to cook this week. Tomorrow night I should have free to go to the grocery store.

I miss working on my RDA's--I feel so much better when I know that I am eating what my body needs to run well. On the other hand, I am being more active than I was earlier this year. Now to get those two things working together!


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