On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Another great day!

I've been feeling really great this week, even though things aren't perfect! Spinning tonight was fabulous--we climbed for 15 minutes, always increasing the resistance. It was perfect for me, since I'll be doing that in a couple of weeks. Also, having ridden this weekend inspired me to hold nothing back, because that will make my on-the-bike time even better! Which means I have very tired legs.

The Runner's World magazine I bought last month has a quiz about what kind of runner you are--and I'm an exerciser, according to it. Which is true. But the profile that got me thinking was "purist"--"your main motivation is running for running's sake--you like how it feels and how it makes you feel afterward." That's pretty much where I am for cycling--I do it because I love so much about it: being on the road, being able to take in the scenery, pushing myself to keeping climbing those hills, and knowing that I can do it. I don't do it for the exercise or the social aspects (although those are nice) or to compete (ha!). This past week, I started wondering what it would be like to have that attitude toward running. What would it take to get me to that point for running? I love the idea of being able to run and participate in races, and I can imagine the same feelings about running that I have about biking.

This weekend, I may just go outside and run around until I don't want to anymore. We'll see how far that takes us.

BTW. My gym hero had a running partner tonight--I was shocked! I only beat her once tonight.

BMR: 548.5
FMR: 381.1


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