On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Monday, April 16, 2007


On Friday, I was either 155, 154, or 153. I think I ended up having a twice-read 154, but really I can't be sure. Eh.

It is less than 3 weeks until the huge bike trip with my dad. It's pretty exciting. I had four days of cycling planned out originally, but we have now extended it to "well, we have over a week's worth of time, why don't we just see how far we can go." So we may end up with a 250 mile trip or a 450 mile trip. Who knows. We don't. If we feel good on day 4, then it is anybody's game. I'm betting we feel great. Or ornery enough to continue down the highway with our home on our backs.

After that, it will be time to move to Raleigh and be with Dr. MM! I can't wait. We are planning on being fairly active when we are together and have our lives all settled out. We have decided to start running together and join the gym at the university. Also, there are so many other opportunities--like a weekly social bike group, hiking everywhere you turn, and fun paddling nearby. It will be great!

Right now, I'm just going to focus on continuing to go to my spinning classes when I can. I will try to walk on Weds and weekends when I get the opportunity. Mostly I need to focus on studying at this time of the year though.


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