On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thrifty Food Plan

Marla inspired me to start back looking at my food bill again. I've decided to use the Thrifty Food Plan from the feds, so for my age and sex I get $30.10 a week. Yesterday I went to the grocery store and what I bought (plus my at home food) will start me off this week at $21.93. No, it's not a blank slate because I have a good deal of food here at home, but we'll play with this a while. (I'm incredibly lonely right now, so something to do is good.)

My $21.93 was not well planned out, so I will see where it gets me by next Thursday. But I got:
.99 a pound box of store brand penne pasta
1.67 a red onion
.06 a jalepeno pepper
2.30 a red bell pepper (spendy!)
1.08 a bunch of bananas
2.59 a bag of new potatoes
4.99 a gallon of oj
3.81 thin-sliced chicken breast
3.99 a bag of frozen tilapia
.65 half-dozen eggs
1.99 a half-gallon of milk
.65 TAX

Today: oatmeal w/ milk and raw sugar, two glasses of oj, a spoonful of Nutell@, pasta with tomato sauce and cheese, nasty ice cream. Sigh.

I have $8.17 left until next Thursday.


  • At 12:17 PM, Blogger M@rla said…

    Holy crap, how could anyone live on $30 a week? You did great with your shopping, but still, I think I spend at least $50 a week per person.


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