On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Transportation Bank Update

Well, I didn't do so well last week in terms of getting points for my transportation bank. From the 9th - 16th, I drove 100 miles alone in my car (-100), walked .2 (+.4), rode the bus 4.5 (+6.75), and carpooled 4 miles with 3 people (+4.25), and carpooled with another person 2 miles (+2). So my balance starting this week was -86.6.

It's going to take a long time to get in the red! I hope that at the end of this first four week period, I can give myself some bonus points. I was surprised that I drove so much, and I was really just commuting and running errands. Today I drove to school, but I decided to ride the bus back and leave my car in the deck. I will need to drive home tomorrow at midnight from work, but I actually will save one car trip home by doing this.

So at the end of the day today, I am at -84.35. I also didn't write down in my first post about the bank that if the carpool contains more than 2 people, then there is an extra +.25.


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