On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Well, I wanted a snack today to take to work, so I bought some ok iced tea and rice snacks--$4.10.

That leaves me with $4.07 for Thursday.

And Marla, I don't know how well I'll be eating (nutrition-wise) while focusing on the Thrifty Food Plan. These are the calculations used to determine how much a person gets on food stamps, which is interesting because people with lower incomes tend to live in areas with little access to quality foods at anywhere near a decent price. The biggest challenge for me is to come home and eat whatever I feel like eating, instead of getting something on the way home.

Today: oatmeal with milk and tsp of raw sugar, glass of oj, leftover pasta w/sauce and grated Pecorino cheese, 1/3 pound of rice crackers, iced tea, two pieces of toast with nutella and a banana, and another glass of oj. I need some more veggies in my diet!


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