Over on Kathryn's site, she is asking for good low-fat cheeses. I'm totally not the person to give advice on low-fat food, since just about the only non-full-fat thing I eat is 2% milk and sometimes lowfat yogurt. Although most of the time it's full fat yogurt too--I'm only reconciled to 2% milk because I'm used to it and I used to drink a ton of it. The funny thing is that thinking about it makes me want to drink whole milk. I'm just contrary.
At 10:14 PM,
tylersstory said…
Don't worry about the 2% milk, I drink it all the time. sometimes you don't want to go overboard on the diet thing (like.ugh...skim milk...ughhhhhhh)
At 9:38 AM,
Tiffany said…
Yeah, I'm not really into skim milk. When I lived at home, we drank it because of my dad's health. Until recently, I could drink well over a gallon of milk a week--so skim was probably a good idea! Haha. The funny thing is that now when I visit my parents, they only have whole milk because they're sort of into low-carb. But they drink like a glass a week, so I guess it doesn't matter. Thanks for leaving me a comment!
At 9:48 AM,
tylersstory said…
Hey also, when looking over your blog. If you want too, it helped me quite a bit to get people to the blog, sign up for a exchange server. Blogmad is the one I am mainly one (as Im a admin there) You should come by and sign up, Ill send ya a 100 credits if you want. :)
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