On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


The semester is finally over!! I have two more days here, in which I will be volunteering. . .at my internship. . .and talking about a new job for the spring. I have some VERY important deadlines to meet very soon, so this evening I will work on that.

I spent some time last night looking at what I can start doing again. I'm going to run tomorrow morning for the first time in I don't know when. I'm going to go to the grocery store and get a few healthy things for the next couple of days. I'm going to clean my house. It is going to be wonderful!!

My two big training goals for this upcoming year are: my dad and I are going to do a self-supported bike tour this spring of about 200 miles, and I want to prepare to run a 10 mile race in 2008 (or sooner). I'm going to set up a calendar with goals, since that has helped me in the past.

Also, I worked up a selection of healthy dinners I can make myself so that I don't have to think about that--just go buy enough for a week, and have it all ready. I thought about the ways I was getting more veggies in my diet, and I'm going to start back doing that also. Thankfully, the water habit has not been broken so I'm still there.

Goals for today: clean kitchen and living areas, complete application, eat a vegetable(!), get 8 hours of sleep. And I'm off!


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