On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Slow Learner

Well, although I said "I should never let the promise of later exercise override the exercise I should do now" I have happily ignored that advice yesterday and today. Today I did have to get up very early and drive Dr. MM somewhere, but I could have walked when I came home instead of going back to bed. Ha!

I still have one more errand to run and so I am going to go to the park and then run my errand. Sigh. Anywho, on the eating front, I am tending towards some ridiculously high calorie days--I think I ate about 3000 calories two days last week. Why? One day I was very hungry, so that's fine. I'm also very bored and I am procrastinating. Really, I shouldn't be bored because I have a boatload of fun, interesting books to read, but once I sit down at the computer it is as if I cannot move from here, and all fun must come through this screen. There is also unpacking left to do, and I am being productive in those areas. Good for me! I am also being a flybaby, which is helping somewhat with my personal adjustments. Way to go! I am procrastinating studying, but I will work on that this week some more.

There are some things that I can do to get away from this computer and do something else. I can set the timer for 15 minutes, and then go read a book, watch a recorded tv show, watch one of my Netflixers, declutter some adventure boxes, or work on unpacking things, or go for a walk/ride my bike. I enjoy doing all of those things, but I somehow forget about them and get sucked into the computer. Sigh.

W: 151
M: 40-33.5-40


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