On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Back from traveling

Well, I saw my parents this weekend, and my brother. They are all doing well, but we were all grumpy for random reasons so we got on each other's nerves more than usual! Most of the time we're all grown-ups, but not this weekend! Haha. But that is part of being a family too.

Anyway, I was too tired to go to the grocery store today before dinner, so it was leftover turnip greens and biscuits tonight. I really did put too much salt in the biscuits! But they were edible. I needed milk/oj for breakfast tomorrow, so I ran out and bought some at the closest store since I didn't feel like driving across town to buy organic.

So, here's our start for this week:

1/2 gallon milk: 2.99
turkey pepperoni: 3.49
rainbow sherbert: 1.99
oj: 3.29
TOTAL: 11.30

Which leaves 28.70 for the rest of the week. That should be no problem whatsoever. I'm also going to eat out more this week than usual. DR MM will be back for his graduation! And our anniversary is this week, and he'll be back for that too. Four years together certainly doesn't feel like a very long time, and yet it also feels like it's always been this way. (Probably becausee we've been together for almost nine years since we started dating.)

Also, I filled up my tank to see my parents (3 hours away)--I needed over 14 gallons! My car only holds 15, so I was cutting it close. I have a couple of dollars left in my gas budget until the end of the next 30 days (Aug. 26 I think), minus any gas that I have to have to visit Dr. MM. I have about a quarter of a tank left, which should get me through most of the month. I can take the bus a couple of places, and MAYBE I'll bike to church. Like I've been saying this whole year.


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