Weights and Measures
W: 158
M: 40.5-35-41
As for yesterday's nutritional break-down, we have a victory! Only five cookies! Perhaps that is because that is all that was left, but still less than the day before.
Most of my nutrient goals were hit, with only vitamin D under 50%. Others that didn't hit 100%: vit. A, vit B-16, vit B-12, iron, zinc, selenium (99+%), calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. Most of these were pretty high, besides D, I am only concerned about vit. A and will need to try to eat more of that in the next few days. Sodium was just over 2300, at 2386, so much better! Fiber was still low at 16, as was protein at 42. Fat was just a little high at 32% of my calories. Calories were good at 1811.
When I start recording, I am always surprised at how little I tend to eat when I am paying attention. I mean, yes, I ate five cookies and two chocolates yesterday, but if you take those away, then my calories are at 1400, which is pretty low.
Anyway, I need to think of ways to eat more protein. I have been wanting cottage cheese recently, and that usually increases my protein. Other than that, I will try to eat a good protein for lunch--like an egg or some tuna. That should help.
1. Floss each night. Check!
2. 15 minutes of moving. Check! (more walking at the mall)
3. Eat a cup of green.
4. Use a moisturizer with sunscreen every day. Check!
That is what I'm working on today. I didn't go walking this morning because my heel is sore. I think I caught it from Marla. Anyway, I figured I would give it a rest until I go shopping (again) this afternoon, and it will make me do my Pilates project that I have been putting off. Yesterday, I ate two mini-salads for my cup of green and will probably eat one more today for lunch. Also, I bought my moisturizer yesterday, so after I dry my hair in a minute, I will be able to check off number 4! I like having this list, because I can plan ahead for the things I want to do, but not have the pressure of doing them now. Planning is really one of the most important things for healthy living, so I'm glad I made up my little tool!
M: 40.5-35-41
As for yesterday's nutritional break-down, we have a victory! Only five cookies! Perhaps that is because that is all that was left, but still less than the day before.
Most of my nutrient goals were hit, with only vitamin D under 50%. Others that didn't hit 100%: vit. A, vit B-16, vit B-12, iron, zinc, selenium (99+%), calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. Most of these were pretty high, besides D, I am only concerned about vit. A and will need to try to eat more of that in the next few days. Sodium was just over 2300, at 2386, so much better! Fiber was still low at 16, as was protein at 42. Fat was just a little high at 32% of my calories. Calories were good at 1811.
When I start recording, I am always surprised at how little I tend to eat when I am paying attention. I mean, yes, I ate five cookies and two chocolates yesterday, but if you take those away, then my calories are at 1400, which is pretty low.
Anyway, I need to think of ways to eat more protein. I have been wanting cottage cheese recently, and that usually increases my protein. Other than that, I will try to eat a good protein for lunch--like an egg or some tuna. That should help.
1. Floss each night. Check!
2. 15 minutes of moving. Check! (more walking at the mall)
3. Eat a cup of green.
4. Use a moisturizer with sunscreen every day. Check!
That is what I'm working on today. I didn't go walking this morning because my heel is sore. I think I caught it from Marla. Anyway, I figured I would give it a rest until I go shopping (again) this afternoon, and it will make me do my Pilates project that I have been putting off. Yesterday, I ate two mini-salads for my cup of green and will probably eat one more today for lunch. Also, I bought my moisturizer yesterday, so after I dry my hair in a minute, I will be able to check off number 4! I like having this list, because I can plan ahead for the things I want to do, but not have the pressure of doing them now. Planning is really one of the most important things for healthy living, so I'm glad I made up my little tool!
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