Day 26 of 9#
Today is W/M day, although there will be disappointment on one of those fronts. I have not been walking this week, because I am grumpy and it has been raining. Not excuses, just letting you know.
Starting W/M
W: 159
M: 41-34.5-41
W: inconclusive. My scale would not give me a consistent reading today--it is between 156 and 158. Weighing went a little like: 156, 158, 157, 158, 156, 158, 157. I usually weigh myself 3 times in a row, just to make sure that the analog scale isn't too wacky. No help today.
M: 40.5-33.5-40.5
Last week:
W: 156
M: 40-33.5-40.5
There's some creep in the boobage! Haha. I need to get out of this funk and start walking again. Strangely enough, walking again would probably help me get out of this funk and the only thing I have control over. I can't say how long I will feel yucky, but I can make myself put my walking clothes on and download a podcast.
Starting W/M
W: 159
M: 41-34.5-41
W: inconclusive. My scale would not give me a consistent reading today--it is between 156 and 158. Weighing went a little like: 156, 158, 157, 158, 156, 158, 157. I usually weigh myself 3 times in a row, just to make sure that the analog scale isn't too wacky. No help today.
M: 40.5-33.5-40.5
Last week:
W: 156
M: 40-33.5-40.5
There's some creep in the boobage! Haha. I need to get out of this funk and start walking again. Strangely enough, walking again would probably help me get out of this funk and the only thing I have control over. I can't say how long I will feel yucky, but I can make myself put my walking clothes on and download a podcast.
At 5:57 AM,
M@rla said…
oh I hate creeping boobage!
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