On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Day 8 of 9#

Well, this weekend was sort of a bust when it came to eating healthy--lots of snacking on the road and several restaurant meals. One of the restaurant meals was a "healthy" option--but it tasted way too sweet and the food was all overcooked. The rest were just the regular stuff I would eat at a restaurant normally--one fast food burger/fries/shake, one salad with lasagne, one general buffet meal (probably pretty healthy, actually, because it was real food prepared simply). We had cokes on the road and snacks--which isn't horrible, since otherwise I would have been drinking coffees. The bad thing is that I have had really bad indigestion most of the weekend, which I'm sure says something about the healthiness of the things I ate.

Anyway, the bikes weren't up for riding when I got there so I didn't get my 10 miles in. Oh, well. I will try to ride some this week, since the weather is so beautiful. Having a short term goal for walking/running really helped motivate me to get out the door, so I am going to set another one for this week. If I want to finish my 1000 mile walking/running goal by the end of the year, then I need to walk about 3.7 miles each day in order to make my goal. So if I wanted my weekly miles to reflect that, I would need to walk 26 miles this week. That's a pretty tall order, and I tried to give myself a little bit of a baby step last week by only requiring 10 miles. Ten miles is very do-able. Fourteen miles is probably very do-able. Well, I'm just going to set an attainable goal (very unlike me) and try for 14 miles at the minimum for this week. And a bike ride of any length. What matters is that I am working toward these goals

And, perhaps unsurprisingly, just like the food this weekend made my stomach hurt, the lack of exercising had some negative effects. I felt stiffer than I usually do during our long car rides and my sleep was definitely not as deep. I'm hoping that as I get back into my groove I will start sleeping better also.

On the healthy goals front, I have only progressed to number 11. I've been much better recently about dressing in things other than a free t-shirt and jeans, so I've been thinking about 11 for a while now. Most of my nice clothes are in the fall/winter season of my wardrobe, so I won't have as much trouble as I do in the summer. I'm looking forward to sweaters! I think I'm just going to scale down from adding something new everyday to adding something new from this list every week. This week, we focus on keeping old habits and adding nice clothes.

1. Floss every night.
2. 15 minutes of moving every day.
3. Eat a cup of green.
4. Use a moisturizer with sunscreen every day.
5. Say no to soda. (I've been sucked in again.)
6. Have a cup or piece of fruit.
7. Read your devotions.
8. Plan for 8 hours of sleep every night.
9. 15 minutes of upkeep so I can pass for a charming Southern belle.
10. Pick out some great earrings to wear.
11. Dress as if you are special.

BMR: 343.5
FMR: 309.27


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