On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


It seems that adding a 10-minute clean to my day was a good decision. I've done it at least 3 times this week, and I've decided it works best as the very first thing I do when I come home. Of course, a 10 minute clean is probably most helpful in a house that is pretty clean to begin with, but I am making progress. At least I am keeping the dishes out of the sink! Plus, it keeps me from feeling bad about doing absolutely nothing. Ten minutes is close to nothing, but it's not Absolutely Nothing. Small victories, that's all I ask.

The fruit habit is not going well at all. I may have to change it to something like: one fresh piece of fruit a day. We'll work on that later.

Maybe I should change my habit to something like: go to bed, do some laundry, study for class, and do my homework. All of which needs to be done, and I am doing . . . Absolutely Nothing about these.

Tonight I am also going to throw the Halloween candy away. I've made my mouth sore eating Sweettarts. AND given myself hiccups twice from drinking so much water while I snack on them.


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