On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Update and Blarg

Well, I didn't end up running every day in December. In our travels for Christmas, I forgot to take a sports bra. Then when I came back home, I brought back a nasty cold/sore throat which I did not want to run on. I'm over my sore throat now, but my pile of snotty tissues shows that I am still hanging on to the cold. Eh. I also don't have a scale, so I can't say how short I am of my goal to be 155. I am probably short of it. Christmas was great with family, but I'm glad to be back home.

This morning I am watching Extreme Makeover. (Like a car wreck, you know.) Of course, the people who are on the show are not hideous or ugly--they look like perfectly nice everyday people. But they are wallowing in poor self image, and it is just painful to see how pathetic that makes them. On top of that, they are given unrealistic requirements to lose around 25/30 pounds in 5 weeks. When these people go to the trainer, some of them have NO expectation of success. It's just sad that they have such little capability for positive thinking. One of them says that she wants a brow lift because people say she never looks happy, and she thinks it is because her brows are too low. Um, based on the rest of the show, it's probably because she doesn't smile ever and looks as if she expects every second to bring failure.

Anyway, most of these people would probably feel better about themselves and look even prettier if they had a makeup makeover and a really good haircut. And then had friends and family who focused on their personalities and talents instead of their physical selves.

Why don't we focus on how kind, generous, and thoughtful people are? Why aren't our comments about other people ones that build people up instead of belittling them? All my life I've heard very critical comments about other people, especially other women--comments that focused on their less than perfect appearance. Now I think these comments reveal more about the meanness of spirit of those who are making them, instead of actual criticism of the person spoken about. I try to never make mean comments about other people, especially about their physical selves. [I went back and re-read this post, and I think that while I try not to make mean comments my comments about the not smiling are probably not very nice. Maybe I should try harder.]


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