On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Day Six

1. Floss every night. Check!
2. 15 minutes of moving every day. Check!
3. Eat a cup of green. Check!
4. Use a moisturizer with sunscreen every day. Check!
5. Say no to soda. (I've been sucked in again.) Check!
6. Have a cup or piece of fruit. Check!

Ok, I haven't gotten my focused moving in today and I can't count mall walking again. I need to start making that a priority at the beginning of the day no matter what! I may do 15 minutes of Pilates or something before bed tonight and be able to check it off, though. Same for number 6--an apple is calling my name!

Yesterday, I ate a lot--2400+ calories. It doesn't show up on fitday that way because I am too lazy to put in the amounts for candy corn, and I ate a ton of it. (Today, too!) Of course, because I ate so much, my nutritional levels are pretty high--only vitamin D is below 50%. Fiber was ok, too, because of the popcorn. The major culprit for yesterday's poor calorie and fat choices is movie food--popcorn, coke (on my first no coke day), and chocolate-covered almonds. The good thing about these foods (not the coke) is that they are actually decent foods underneath the fatty coating. So, I'm not too upset about that--I could have eaten jr mints, which is pure sugar. I think from now on, I'm going to abstain from movie treats. They don't add that much to my movie-going experience, so it shouldn't be too hard to break that habit.

The great thing about having this list is that I am motivated not only to try to do the things on this list, but also some of the things that are coming up on the list. I feel pretty great about that. Oh, I just realized that I could walk up and down my stairs for 15 minutes and call it exercise. I would run, but we made jokes about the elephant living next door to us--really, I think it was their dog--because of our neighbors' stairs yesterday. I'm pretty sure that none of our neighbors can run as fast up the stairs as the "elephant" did.

Edited to add: I don't know what possessed me to walk up and down our stairs. I just did 10 minutes of it, plus 5 minutes of stretching afterwards. I like how off the cuff I am in the previous paragraph: "Oh, I'll just walk up and down the stairs. No big deal." Ha. On the other hand, I just found my rainy day exercise.


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