On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Funny Re-reading

I love the fact that my blog is about self-discipline, yet every third post I'm trying something new or admitting that I've abandoned my old plan. Really, it cracks me up because it shows that most of the time I am not even thinking about the purpose of the blog, and yet how much I probably should focus on it!

The one thing that I have done and stuck with is stop drinking soda daily. Now, I have had some since I decided to stop drinking it--I share one with Dr. MM at the movies usually, but that doesn't happen very often anyway. I've also stopped watching tv at my home, but tv is not something that I really love to pieces anyway.

So I have had success as a result of this blog, and applying some self discipline.

I do have a resolution for the new year. I'm not going to eat any sweets that I don't make myself or have at a restaurant. So no more cookies or candy bars or chocolates or ice cream. I figure if I make something, I'll at least have spent the energy it takes to shop, make/bake, and clean up afterwards. Plus, I'll know what goes into them and it will be a chance to enjoy myself because I love to cook or bake. Otherwise, I'll just have to have fruit! Restaurants get a pass because I usually share a dessert, and also dessert at a nice restaurant is one of the small pleasures of life.

Happy New Year!


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