On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Day Seven

1. Floss every night. Check!
2. 15 minutes of moving every day.
3. Eat a cup of green.
4. Use a moisturizer with sunscreen every day. Check!
5. Say no to soda. (I've been sucked in again.) Check!
6. Have a cup or piece of fruit. Check!
7. Read your devotions. Check!

Well, I have already eaten about 3/4 a cup of green today, and dinner is still left. Good for me! I chose to get those out of the way as early as I could today, since other people were feeding me. There was a breakfast and lunch buffet at the meeting, so I had fruit medley for breakfast and then a little salad with lunch. Besides the roll, the salad was the best part of lunch--it was a catered Southern-style lunch, and most of it was just too heavy. Yes, I ate all the dressing anyway, but I love dressing, even when it is cafeteria style.

Yesterday, my nutritional picture was so-so. Only zinc was below 50%, and my calories and fat were inline with what I would like. The problem was that I ate so much candy corn. I don't know why I buy it, because I have no self-control with respect to it. Of course, it makes me feel awful. What I really would like is a single little snack pack of it, like I would get when I went trick or treating. That is enough.

I loved trick or treating, even when we would go to our elderly relatives' homes and get apples and sweet potatoes instead of candy (and one year I think we got quarters). They didn't do trick or treating, but they liked to see us dressed up. Then we would go to the two dozen houses in our neighborhood and get candy. If we were lucky, we would get home in time to give out candy to the couple of people who always came to our house. I grew up in a tiny little rural area (it's not really a town), if this sounds strange, and we didn't have any neighbors within a half mile of our house. When I got older, and my mom was an elementary school principal, sometimes her students would show up at our door--it was like a treat their parents gave them! That was fun.


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