Well, I did very well yesterday on the nutrition front. Only 4 nutrients did not get to 100%--and only one of those was under 50% (Vitamin K, as usual). I ate a little more than I probably should have, but most of it was healthy. Next time, I will not get fries (and dip for them) if I'm not going to share them. Or I will get a smaller portion, and no dip. Although both of these things do have vitamins in them and aren't pure sugar like soda is, so it's not completely empty food. In any event, I still ate less than my daily calories needed to maintain my weight.
While I do track my food, I'm not actually counting calories or fat percentage or anything. All I aim to do is hit 100% of my RDA's. I can eat whatever I want, as long as I'm working toward that goal. I do keep in mind the max calories that I need for a day to maintain, which is over 2500, and I do keep my eyes open about fiber and what percent fat my diet was that day (less than 30% is fine). I look at the record with no judgement about me being bad/good for what I ate, although I will think about whether the foods were good choices for me RDA-wise and calorie-wise. When things aren't, like soda, realizing that it is nothing more than empty calories with nothing to offer me health-wise makes it a great deal easier to quit putting that into my body. I've had soda once this week, and about three times in the past two weeks. Not bad from a two+ a day habit.
Focusing on RDA's was what made losing the five pounds earlier in the year effortless. I'm not sold on losing weight for losing weight's sake. If it is a result of my eating nutritious foods rather than junk, or of playing harder than usual, then that's fine, but my aim is health not weight loss. I don't think those two necessarily go hand in hand, and I think that you can have either without the other. I track my weight and measures because I want to see how changes in my life change me, but it's just an observation. And it's a habit that keeps me focused on this task.
Tracking whatever I'm doing keeps me more aware of my actions. Today I had an actual serving of cereal, instead of a serving and a half like yesterday. Yesterday, I didn't know what a serving was, so I couldn't choose to eat just one. Today, I'm aware of it, so I can choose to just have one. Little things like this make a big difference for me and my health.
Also, my dinner last night was not my night out dinner, so I really should deduct it from my food budget--so now I have $17.34 left until Sunday.
While I do track my food, I'm not actually counting calories or fat percentage or anything. All I aim to do is hit 100% of my RDA's. I can eat whatever I want, as long as I'm working toward that goal. I do keep in mind the max calories that I need for a day to maintain, which is over 2500, and I do keep my eyes open about fiber and what percent fat my diet was that day (less than 30% is fine). I look at the record with no judgement about me being bad/good for what I ate, although I will think about whether the foods were good choices for me RDA-wise and calorie-wise. When things aren't, like soda, realizing that it is nothing more than empty calories with nothing to offer me health-wise makes it a great deal easier to quit putting that into my body. I've had soda once this week, and about three times in the past two weeks. Not bad from a two+ a day habit.
Focusing on RDA's was what made losing the five pounds earlier in the year effortless. I'm not sold on losing weight for losing weight's sake. If it is a result of my eating nutritious foods rather than junk, or of playing harder than usual, then that's fine, but my aim is health not weight loss. I don't think those two necessarily go hand in hand, and I think that you can have either without the other. I track my weight and measures because I want to see how changes in my life change me, but it's just an observation. And it's a habit that keeps me focused on this task.
Tracking whatever I'm doing keeps me more aware of my actions. Today I had an actual serving of cereal, instead of a serving and a half like yesterday. Yesterday, I didn't know what a serving was, so I couldn't choose to eat just one. Today, I'm aware of it, so I can choose to just have one. Little things like this make a big difference for me and my health.
Also, my dinner last night was not my night out dinner, so I really should deduct it from my food budget--so now I have $17.34 left until Sunday.
At 12:54 PM,
Askazombiehousewife said…
I am glad what your doing is working for you.
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