On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Friday, November 23, 2007


I've been bad about updating, sorry! This is day 54 of 9# loss attempt. I forgot to weigh and measure today, so I'll do that tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving--we did, and we have leftovers galore. Yum!

BMR: 343.5
FMR: 280

Friday, November 16, 2007

Weight and Measures

W: 159
M: 41-34.5-41

W: 156
M: 40-34-40?

I think my hip measurement was the same as my bust, but at this very moment I am not sure what it was exactly. Oh well, close enough! It is also Day 47 of my 9# weight loss attempt (such that it is).

Right now, I am having an ice cream struggle. Ice cream is how I put on these extra pounds from earlier in the summer. Eating a pint of ice cream every day or every other day can rack them up! I gained about six pounds. Ok, it wasn't all ice cream. It was also taquitos with sour cream. Those are my stress foods!!

Silly me. Anyway, B&J's ice cream was on sale this past week, and I bought 3 pints for $10 because I had actually planned for ice cream to be our [my] sweet dessert for a week. I ate one pint in two days. Dr. MM also had a pint of his favorite ice cream. He eats about three bites at a time, and then he's ok with putting it back in the freezer and not wanting it for a while. I've started eating the second pint, but realized that I do not need to eat two pints of ice cream this week! (What a concept.) So until Sunday, I am ice cream free. It is really hard, and I have had to tell Dr. MM that when I ask him if I can have ice cream, he should say no.

Ok, have to explain that one. Dr. MM does not normally give me permission to eat things like dinner, breakfast, lunch, etc. But, when I want something that I know I shouldn't really have--extra ice cream, a coke at midnight, etc.--then I ask him if it's ok. He almost always says yes, because he doesn't have food issues and he also spoils me so he likes me to have whatever I want. And because he thinks it is bizarre to ask him a question like this. It's really a way for me to pass the blame (what blame there is) off to someone else--He Said I Could!! I am not responsible for my bad choices because someone else allowed me to do it. It's a little screwed up, now that I think it out loud.

Anyway, I'm pretty good on my own about not eating it when I am by myself during the day. But I want dessert after dinner! So, I ask him and he says no. (Good Dr. MM.) In fact, he tells me to eat more of the butternut squash on my plate because it is sweet. What is he, some kind of tyrant?? Raarrrr. I rebel against this system I have created and enforced! (Lord, I'm a nut.)

After this, I am going to have to think more about when I want to have ice cream in general. It can't be an every month treat, so when does it make sense for it to be around? Not in the winter, when it's cold. Definitely as part of summery celebrations, but maybe not outside of them.

This really ties into my recent thinking about normal life and treats. Personally, I have more than enough of everything I need. For most things, I am at the point where any new items or experiences are not appreciated the way that they should be because they have to compete with the abundance that I already have. I don't like living this way--ungrateful and unappreciative, unable to see accurately the value of things and experiences. Especially when some of the abundance is junk. I've been trying to pare down my things and experiences so that I am able to appreciate more good and joy in everyday life. Ice cream is marvelous, but not when you have a pint everyday.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Falling Behind!

Ok, I have weighed, measured, and walked but have not come here to update my site! Eep!

The last time I weighed, I weighed: 158
The last time I measured, I was: 40-34-40.5

My original weight and measures were:
W: 159
M: 41-34.5-41

So I'm smaller, but weigh basically the same. Woohoo! That counts as something. Today I am going to pick a workout from fit tv on demand and do that later in the day. And I might walk because it is a beautiful day outside and not even chilly.

And I walked 2 miles at a 16 minute/mile pace.

BMR: 343.5
FMR: 284

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Day 37 of 9#

Just an update on miles. It is getting chilly around here, but this afternoon I had a nice slow walk at the park. Well, mostly slow. I'm just glad I got off the computer and did something outdoors.

I'm going to try the quick ab workout show again tonight. Today I am suffering from delayed death to my abs! Ok, I know that's not true, but I can't remember what the official name is. Marla knows what I'm talking about, but I can't find it on her site because I am searching for. . . "delayed death!" or something. Heeeheee.

BMR: 343.5
FMR: 286

Monday, November 05, 2007

Day 36 of 9#

I have always been fascinated with what motivates people. What makes someone get started on a project and follow through? What keeps them going?

Last night I watched The Am@zing R@ce. It never fails to inspire me, and make me laugh, and make me wonder about how women and men interact. Last night was the first episode in the new season, and my favorite part involved the donkeys. Having grown up on a farm, I always get a kick out of the episodes that involve animals because so many people seem to have no clue how to interact with them. I think that is stunning, because it is only recently that a person could get to adulthood without being involved with animals as food or transportation on a daily basis.

On the women in society issue, there are two teams of beautiful women who admit that they will use their looks to get ahead. Ok. One team even says that they have the beauty of women combined with the competitiveness and aggressiveness of men. Whatever. I am also always, always shocked at how people in dating/marriage relationships interact. People talk hatefully to their partners, put them down (not teasing), blame them, and just generally present a great image of verbal abuse. Also, last night, a woman was convinced they were going the wrong way, but her male partner basically ignored her--and, yes, they were going the wrong way. That has happened to me sometimes with Dr. MM, and it is very frustrating. The ignoring, not the hateful talk. I can honestly say that he has never spoken to me the way some of the men speak to their girlfriends/wives on that show, and I think he would say the same about me.

Anyway, I love this show. Some people are inspired by The Biggest L0ser, but losing weight for its own sake does nothing for me (apparently). Good for them, but it doesn't make me want to change my behavior. Watching TAR does--those people have to be able to keep running, biking, walking, stretching themselves physically. That is what I want--the ability to keep on going and doing something that is bigger than life! Ninj@ W@rrior does this too, in some ways--it comes on some game channel, and shows people with great upper and core strength. Last night after TAR, I went immediately to the exercise on-demand channel and did 10 minutes of ab work--OMG, death! Haha. And this morning I got up and got outside for my walking--14.5 minutes per mile, and I jogged almost half of it.

Now that I know TAR is good for me, I am going to make sure to watch it every week. And I will be on the lookout for other things that make me feel this way. Trapeze performances and ballroom dancing shows always did the same, so maybe I can find some kind of performance this month to continue to inspire me. Perhaps if I can keep inspiring events at a regular pace in my life, I can continue to push myself for the long haul.

BMR: 343.5
FMR: 287

Sunday, November 04, 2007


Ok, so apparently I'm bored with my 9# goal. It's not that I don't want to lose nine pounds--I do! That would be great! But I don't want to do the work it takes. And our budget is getting tight, so I have to focus on buying cheaper food instead of buying food that is perfectly proportioned for my weight loss goal. And it is cold here in the mornings and I haven't really gotten my colder weather exercise clothes out. Basically, I'm just not planning. I've dropped off the fitday tracking, and I've stopped walking, but I've started eating Halloween candy! We can see how this is working. Also, because we are supposed to be using less water here, I have been drinking sodas. Doing my part to conserve! Ha.

W: 159
M: 41-34.5-41

W: 158
M: 40.5-33.5-40.5

Yesterday, we did get out and walk again. So I got 2 more miles in, which is great. Can I lose a pound this week? Who knows, but I am aiming for any change in my w/m stats. I would like to walk 14 miles this week, and do two arm workouts.

BMR: 343.5
FMR: 289