On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Not Quite

BMR: 351.5
FMR: 368.28

Today there was a worker puttering around the hall, and it made me a little spooked to be the only one traipsing around in the back of the building with this "stranger." So, just one lap at a time. I didn't need to walk as much because I had a good dinner that didn't make me crash during class. Some is better than none.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Bar review is boring as dirt. Actually, dirt can be pretty interesting so bar review is more boring than dirt. Tonight, I walked during the breaks. First, I paced the parking lot and then I walked 3 laps around the building. I'm going to give myself another estimated .3 of a mile there. Walking really wakes me up for another hour of notetaking. And at least I don't look like the other people outside who all have their phones to their ears during each break. Tomorrow, I should be able to get almost to an even number for FMR!

BMR: 351.5
FMR: 368.38

Monday, May 28, 2007


Last night after we went to a movie, we stopped by the local park and walked a little bit in the evening air. The geese (with their babies!) were trying to get settled in for the night, and we saw some other birds as well. It was a very nice park and walk even if it was fairly short. But being active is all that matters, no matter how much you do. I've been getting FlyL@dy emails this week to help me build some more routines, and they have a saying that housework done incorrectly still blesses your family. That's pretty much the same for exercise as well--sort of like the #1 Edict of Exercise that M@rla has linked on her blog.

Tonight, I hope that we walk all the way around the lake. Dr. MM was not excited about this, but it will be good for him and us. Plus, I need to get out of the house--he's gone to work--and I enjoy doing outside things together.

Also, I have been having trouble eating enough (again). Mostly, I don't feel like eating lunch at lunchtime. While this is related to not eating breakfast early enough, I end up not eating very much and then winding down so much I have to take a nap! Then when I wake up, I feel so drained that I don't want to cook dinner. (It's dinner time at this point.) So we eat dinner later and later, and I usually eat some kind of junk food snack to perk me up. Sigh. Today, I made myself eat a quesadilla at 1:30, even though I wasn't hungry. Maybe that will help.

My goals today are: make dinner by 6p.m., clear enough space to put the desk upstairs, walk, clean a little bit.

BMR: 351.5
FMR: 368.68

Saturday, May 26, 2007

New goals and thinking

Well, I've had about a week off of my regular life. School is over--for good. It's time for the next step (bar review), which I am looking forward to because I will be out of the house.

I haven't had any soft drinks today, although I did have sweet tea--pretty much just as bad, but that's ok because it wasn't a soda. Baby steps back to the water. I did eat my oatmeal again for breakfast, so that's a good thing, too. Fitday is going to become a bigger part of my life again, even though I am now taking a multi-vitamin everyday on the suggestion of my healthcare provider. Other health goals to get back on track with: flossing regularly (and a dentist appointment next month), drinking water, getting enough sleep, getting enough movement.

Since school is out for good, I can focus on creating my own routines and not worry too much about homework and extracurricular activities. I'm job hunting, but I hope something will turn up soon. Whether a law job turns up soon or not, I will be earning money somewhere--just to get me out of the house and help me feel as if I am contributing. Some people are happy staying at home, but I am enough of an extrovert that I need serious interaction with multiple people each day so that I don't fall into a sad little cave of being very lonely.

Anyway, my new routines are going to include some good exercising. In July, Dr. MM and I are going to start a running program together to get us out of the house and our hearts going. He has lost probably 2 inches in his waist in less than a year by only walking up and down the stairs in our house and walking to lunch (2 blocks one way) during the workweek. His eating habits have not changed at all, and all of his pants are too big for him. I'm really glad that he's been moving more, but it will do us both good to get more intentional movement.

Next week, I start riding with the local recreational bike group on their long weekend rides. I also hope that I can start riding my bike to the grocery store nearby--or walking--and rack up some more B or FMR. This month, I am hoping that we can join the local university's rec center/gym (which will be much cheaper than anything else) and I can start going there to work on strength training.

A lot in the works! My long term goals now that my bike trip is over: I want to run a 10 mile race in 2008 (and maybe a half-marathon) and I would like to ride a century (100 miles in a day) by the end of the year. I don't think it would be too much to train for these at the same time, since they will peak at different times. It will probably be good for me. Right now, I am going to focus on taking a walk each morning before I get ready for the day--and that's it for this week! (I can do babysteps, but I prefer not to.)

That's where I am in this new phase of my life! Can't wait to see how it turns out.

BMR: 351.5
FMR: 368.98

Also, you can see that I need to do more than a mile per day for the rest of the year on both my bike and on foot. I had better hop to it!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Weight and Measures

W: 153
M: 39.5-33-40

Getting back on track this week. After today, no more sodas. My good habit has been broken this month, but I'm going to start again!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


BMR: 351.5
FMR: 368.98

My dad and I rode our bikes from Nashville, TN to Tishimingo, MS this past weekend--about 150 miles in 3 days. We camped out and brought everything we needed with us. Technically, we walked some of the trip because of the hills--but since I did not envision pushing a loaded bicycle up a hill in Tennessee when I thought of FMR, they are going in the BMR column. What are you going to do to me?

That's what I thought.

Ha. We had a good time, even though it was tinged with sadness at the end.