On the Road

My "travel journal" on the road to self-discipline.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The other half

Well, today I drank my water with lunch and I walked for 20 minutes during my trip to get the mail! I did have a coke with dinner, but I'll have more water later on tonight. Not a bad deal for today! Good job, girlie! But I only have one more day trying this! What next? You'll have to drop back in on me and see... haha.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Keeping on.. . .

Doing great on the water front! No soft drinks today at all, so I feel good about that. Plus, I had a pretty good lunch of salad, fruit, and multi-grain bread. Still no walking, but no stress about that. It will happen when it happens. Dinner was out, but with friends so it was wonderful. This weekend is going to be fabulous, too!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

And again!

I love Dr. MM being home! But, still no walking--except we parked in one place at dinner tonight and walked to all the places we had to go. We also bought healthy food. I also drank a glass of water before I drank a coke, so that's good for me!

Only a few more days before I up my goals.

Monday, June 26, 2006


For the rest of June, I will strive to drink water with my meals and walk for 30 minutes a day.

Don't I sound like a Girl Scout! Tonight, I drank about 2 glasses of water before I drank a glass of coke. No walking, since it has been rainy.

Dr. Mean Monkey is back from his trip, so maybe I'll bust out of my funk!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Single eating

Well, I decided to stop eating out for a few days and bought a few things that sounded good to me. Not especially healthy, but probably better than what I have been eating. The other night I had whole wheat pasta and tomato sauce and some blackened fish fillets. These last two days I've been eating velveeta shells and cheese with broccoli mixed in. Dr. Mean Monkey hates mac and cheese, and it's not a great love of mine, but it is quick and tasty and I do really like it cold. I figured if I ate about a cup of broccoli mixed up in it each time, it wouldn't be a total loss. One box has made about 3 meals for me. This doesn't bode well when I have to live on my own! I'll cross that bridge when I get there though. I'll have to find something to do with myself--but I won't have tv then so I'll have to find something to do.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Ok, so no exercise yet. Even worse is that I have spent this entire week stuffing my self with the worst food possible--candy, milkshakes, fast food, no veggies in sight. I feel AWFUL. My stomach is killing me, and I just feel horrible.

Tonight I had lima beans and they were so satisfying! You would think I was old enough to eat good food instead of junk! But I am still learning.

Monday, June 19, 2006


That sound would be me falling off of a wagon--I guess the one that cares about being healthy! I was thinking about why my motivation evaporated once classes were over, and I think it is because I was using this blog and the goals here as a procrastination tool (unwittingly). Now I'm much less stressed and so I don't need an additional mission to focus on instead of whatever I'm doing. Which is a little disheartening to ponder, really.

I weighed in this morning at 159.

Since my motivation for exercising never materialized, I'm going to set a goal that will require me to start working on it soon. I have picked a 5k in town on September 30. That gives me plenty of time to get back up to speed--and my goal is to run the entire thing. Tomorrow I will start my training!

I just don't feel like tracking my food right now, so I'm going to focus on drinking 100 oz of water everyday as my healthy intake. And that's it. Maybe in a few more weeks I'll feel like tracking my rda's again.

In other news, while I've been away Mean Monkey passed his defense so he is now Dr. Mean Monkey AND we bought a townhouse! All that driving back and forth paid off! Of course, the sad thing is that Dr. Mean Monkey will be moving to Raleigh in about a month and I'll be stuck here for another year. Boohoo.

Monday, June 12, 2006

And then. . .

I went to work on the second floor of our building this afternoon while the air conditioning was useless because of maintenance. Being hot while writing a grant is not nearly as fun as my daydream.


This morning, before 8:30 am, it was warm and humid. I love it, because it makes me feel like I'm at home. I love it! There was a little breeze, but not much as I waited for the bus. I wanted to be out in it, but class called.

You might think I'm joking, but I'm not. Now, at 12:30, it is 88F and 49% humidity and nice and clear. Not really anything worth talking about in the big scheme of a Georgia summer, but it's a good taste of what is to come.

A really great summer feeling would be wearing a cotton lawn sun dress, walking sandals, and strolling down a blistering, humid street under Spanish moss drinking lemonade and "window" shopping an art festival. The day would also include climbing to the top of a lighthouse and walking on the beach barefoot. Sweating through my sunscreen and my hair getting wavy.

HOT HOT HOT! I can't wait!

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Well, no jogging today. But Mean Monkey and I did go for a walk this evening. Maybe we can do that more often! It would be so nice. Of course, we also had ice cream and cokes and baked fish in butter sauce! Ha!

I've decided to keep paring down my life--at the moment, that means I'm going through some of my old issues of Bon Appetit and culling them. I only have a little over a year of them, so it's not too bad. Mostly I'm writing down recipes that I think we would like and restaurants in places we are likely to visit sooner rather than later. After this, what could be next? I say blankets and the pantry.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


I slept about 7 hours last night. Then, after coming home from the job where I actually get paid, I slept for another 5 hours. What is that about!?!

Tomorrow morning, I am going to get up earlier and go jogging. I've been meaning to, but like I said--no motivation!

Thursday, June 01, 2006


I have become very unmotivated recently. I thought that the challenge and the end of the semester would be a way to kick myself into exercise gear. I was wrong! haha. I face another weekend away from home and easy good choices. Yawn.

But tomorrow is another day!

I hope everyone is doing well out there and living healthy lives. Time for bed!

Transportation bank: 13.5+ (bus), -8 (car), +.8 (walking). Balance: 6.3+.