The hardest thing about this Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) is that I've been making it include all my meals and snacks. Otherwise, what's the point? Thirty dollars a week goes way farther if you don't count the restaurant meals every night, you know?
Anyway, it's hard to come home and eat what I have in the house every night. It would be much easier if I could just stop by the Mexican restaurant, or grab some lunch out. But no. I am being thrifty. Grr.
So far, so good, though. Last night I made chicken on the George and roasted potatoes in the oven. I have half of the chicken breast left over that I can eat tomorrow. Tonight I'm thinking that I will make some tilapia and a little bell pepper/red onion salsa and see what kind of beans/peas I have in the pantry. The bananas are getting ripe, and tasting a little bit grainy, so I think I will make muffins with them soon. Maybe tomorrow.
Anyway, these are the meals I have left:
pasta + sauce
chicken + frozen/canned veggies
tilapia + frozen/canned veggies (enough for probably 3 meals of this)
eggs to make omelets/french toast
and half a bag of little red potatoes
plus, oatmeal for breakfast.
I should be able to sail through Thursday, no problem. Although I did sort of cheat and eat a free lunch of a half a pita bread and a tiny bit of tuna salad at work. Free for me, though. Who passes up free food? Not me.