Well, since I haven't been here you might think that I've been doing nothing on my goals list. You'd be half right. The 10-minute clean has been a great success, and I've done that almost every single day when I come home. Actually, at this point I am not setting the timer instead [get this] I am cleaning up as I make a mess! Who would have known that would work? Haha. So the kitchen is staying fairly clean everyday, which is helping me cook my own dinner every night. I cleaned the living area well and it looks pretty good. Also, I cleaned the yucky bathroom. What is left is just some picking up and putting away, which can be done a little bit along the way.
I have set my clothes out to workout, but since I've yet to workout I haven't needed to continue that. Grr. But, I'm ready when I have some time.
I've also been decently good about entering my information into fitday, although I missed yesterday. The report seems to say that I've been keeping up with my nutrition goals and guidelines pretty well, although there is room for improvement on the greens eating side. And I've eaten a piece of fruit every day this week (tonight: pomegranate seeds). And I think I've had a non-potato vegetable every day as well (tonight: corn).
Last summer, I accepted a challenge that included drinking 5 glasses of water everyday. I had to schedule that into my life (I drank a glass during certain parts of a day: with breakfast, before lunch, with lunch, after lunch, with dinner), and it was SO difficult. Now that I've quit soda, I probably drink 5 or 6 glasses of water on a normal day with no thought about it at all. And I enjoy it more; sometimes when I come home and drink a glass of water it is a wonderful experience. I realize how thirsty I actually get now during the day--which wasn't true when I drank soda because I would just buy one for a snack. I don't like to buy bottled water, although I do for snacks and at fast food restaurants, because I think it's wasteful and sometimes it is more expensive! I can't wait until I have other healthy habits that are so natural to me as drinking water is now.
I think that a piece of fresh fruit a day may be the next one. It helps that I love apples, and tangerines will soon be in season! YUM. The sweetness also helps combat my sweet tooth. I do find myself looking forward to my after-dinner fruit, so I think that is a good sign.
The only thing that I have not done is go to the gym or outside and run. Right now, it's just hard to work it into my schedule, as the semester winds down and I finish my internship.
Off to work!