Life is busy. Very busy.
There are things I never realized about how Dr. MM helps me when we are living in the same state. For example, he is a moderating force on how much I can do. I love packing my days full, but right now I can't take on anything new because I can hardly keep up with the old. He helps me build in down time, because our time that we spend together is never scheduled to the max--we go to dinner, we hang out in a bookstore, we go to the movies, we watch tv together. Secondly, he helps keep our home going. He can go to the grocery store or cook dinner or take care of the cats, all of which needs to be done. None of those things are enormous, but if it's one less thing that I have to do, then there is more time to relax. I miss him (and not just for these reasons, of course) and realize how much he takes care of me. He'll be here tomorrow!
Also, despite the fact that I have three day weekends every week, that is simply not enough time to get everything done. Partly this is because I have to use some of that time to recover from the week. I need to sleep and to get good food in the house and to have some time to not do anything. Then, I have to prepare for all my classes since I am realizing that I don't have time to do that during the week at all. Plus, all the chores and errands. I also need to use some time to work on long term things--event planning for both private life and for extra-curricular obligations; job search; studying for mid-terms; networking.
Anyway, I'm probably back to being anemic again and completely unvitaminfied (my own word, haha). If I had time during the week to get online, I would be back to using fitday. But, I don't have much time online. I have a cute little notebook I can put in my purse for tracking, so I will do that tomorrow. Other than breakfast, I am not eating well at all and I can feel it. I'm very tired and my stomach has been giving me fits all week (partly stress, partly eating spicy food), which if it keeps up I will have to go to the doctor. I just can't feel bad all the time. I haven't seen a green vegetable in days. It's easy to say that I need to plan my food out and take it with me during the day, but I know from this blog that I need to support that decision by taking steps to get me there. Steps like: buying an insulated lunch bag that will hold a couple of meals and snack; buying some freezer packs; cooking on the weekends for the week; planning when I can cook; um, cleaning out the fridge so I can get the re-usable containers back into circulation. Until I do these supportive things, there is no use in wishing to eat better--I'll just end up beating myself up over something I can't start yet.
On the other hand, exercise is going pretty well. I went to spinning twice this week and this has made an incredible difference in the way I feel. Not that I feel great all the time, but I feel as if I'm trying harder to get everything done. I did have to leave early last time, because I was physically exhausted (working too hard in Monday's session, too much stress, not enough sleep) and there was a real possibility of being very nastily sick everywhere. No one wants that! What was awful was that I slowed down (no dead stops) for a while and then got off my bike--and that made me feel WORSE by a whole magnitude. But at that point, I felt so bad I couldn't start again. Tomorrow, I'm going to take it easier from the get-go and just see where that takes me.
Plus, and this goes into the "fills my life up too much" category, I have signed up for this fitness challenge at the gym. It's a six week challenge to walk/jog/run 120 miles. Do-able. At least if you do something every day and work less than 50 hours a week--neither of which are options for me right now. So for me it's more of a time management situation. Or a setting myself up to fail situation. Anyway. I knew it was going to be a challenge when I signed up, but I did it anyway and now I'm going to be happy about it, darn it!
I'm also working on how to reduce my stress and anxiety levels (without reducing the work, haha, which is generally not an option). On the good side, I haven't had more than (literally) two swallows of soda in more than a month. Also, I haven't watched tv since Labor Day when I was at Dr. MM's. One movie at home and no tv. Of course, that's not really by choice--I don't have much awake time at home! And I've been coming here to update my weight at least, which keeps health on my mind and doesn't let me completely dissolve.
Ha. Well, I'm going to try to get some more sleep tonight. Tomorrow, I will take my little notebook with me to track my eating. Also, I will be shopping tomorrow so I might as well put the lunchbag items on the list. I will return!