My Hero
I don't like fat-free anything, although I will tolerate low-fat--and I don't do artificial sweeteners. And packaged food is not really my cup of tea, either. Which means that a lot of the tools that other weight loss bloggers use are pretty much out--no Le@n Cuisines for me, thank you very much.
The surprise is that I can do pretty well--the only thing that is knocking about in my calculations is iron (80%) and sodium (way, way too high). Everything else looks like I could manage it, and that I would possibly be tired of eating if I had to eat everything I scheduled.
Here is what my menu would look like:
Oatmeal, made with milk, and dried apricots.
Turkey with swiss on wheat
crackers with hummus
spinach salad with roasted red peppers and black olives, lemon juice dressing
baby carrots
(Note: I could never eat this much for lunch.)
cottage cheese with frozen raspberries
Broiled cod
corn on the cob
1/2 sweetpotato with brown sugar
brussel sprouts
a pat of butter to share between veggies
fat-free kettle korn
mug of milk
Ok, I didn't put the servings with them, but it would be what I think of as workable servings (half an ounce of almonds, 3 oz of turkey, etc.). I would be completely stuffed and probably wouldn't want either the snack or the dessert. Or the carrots, but I don't like carrots anyway. It always surprises me how much you can eat of veggies. When I first started nutrition tracking, I did have some lunches where I could not eat more than half of my lunch.
The thing is, that if I were exercising regularly, I probably could put that away much easier.
So, this might be do-able, but I will have to do some major menu-planning. So if my fitday looks as if I became superwoman and ate ridiculously well today, just know that this is me fiddling around with it.